Why adding video to your marketing plan shouldn’t spook you

May 7, 2024

Long ago, video killed the radio star. This was in 1979, when cameras weighed as much as Frankenstein’s monster and suggesting video in your marketing plan was as outrageous as uttering the word “Voldemort.” 

These days, video is a trusty sidekick, like Mike from Monsters, Inc. or Thing from The Addams Family. It comes through for you in the best and worst of times. It introduces you to new accomplices. It helps you slay villains.

To throw out some keywords for my SEO spider friends, video marketing can help you attract, convert, close, and delight your customer base. Here’s how.

1. Attract 

Say hello to the world. Get your name out there. Let potential customers know you’re here. You don’t want to be too forward at this early stage in the game, so your focus should be on entertainment. Connect with them on one small thing, and make them want to know you better.

Why video works: 91.9% of social media users are happy to view any type of video at all. You’ll reach more people with a video than a text or image post. Here are more stats to convince you:

  • 83% of video marketers say video helps them generate leads.
  • Videos lead to 59% higher brand recall than other digital ads.

Types of videos to consider: Fun TikTok-style videos, high-level brand ads, and thought leadership videos.

2. Convert

Show off your knowledge. Educate those you’ve attracted. Prove your worth. Now is the time to start establishing your authority in the marketplace. You’ve proved you’re a brand worth knowing, now what can you do for your audience? 

Why video works: How many times in your life have you heard the words, “I’ll believe it when I see it”? A video gives your audience the chance to see it. And believe it.

Types of videos to consider: Webinars, product demos, promotional videos, case studies, and explainer/how-to videos.

3. Close

Create an emotion. Make them an offer they can’t refuse. Seal the deal. This is the point where your potential customers are weighing their options. How can you help them visualize themselves with your product – in a way that they can no longer picture their lives without it? 

Why video works: Video at this stage in the game can trigger emotions that a written product description could never dream of. Emotions are what drive people to make purchasing decisions. 

Types of videos to consider: Testimonials, product demos, and cultural videos highlighting your customer service or passion for what you do.

4. Delight

Say thank you. Keep them coming back for more. Turn customers into brand ambassadors. That customer who just bought can become a repeat customer or they can tell others about you. Make sure you stay top of mind by continuing to delight them after the sale is done! 

Why video works: You’ve probably stopped reading this blog by now. Similarly, your customers might get sick of reading emails from you. They won’t get sick of watching videos that will help them use your product/service better.

Types of videos to consider: Thank you videos welcoming them to your community, educational courses, onboarding videos, and product trainings.

I could keep going, but hopefully you’re getting the gist by now. Which is: You don’t need to be afraid of incorporating video content in your marketing plan for 2024 and beyond. 

Especially because Red Dot is here to help! 

Our team members have created everything from training videos to food commercials to war documentaries to reality dating shows. And we love showcasing our clients through unique videos of all kinds. Don’t believe me? Just check out this customer testimonial video we produced for a client. (See what I did there?) 

Want to talk more? Give us a shout at info@reddotad.com or 515.279.0712.

Source: Statista 2022

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Why adding video to your marketing plan shouldn’t spook you

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