Mapping Your Customer Journey

April 27, 2022

At Red Dot, we like to say that customer experience is the sum of all interactions between a person and a company, resulting in an impression that they walk away with. Following your customers’ journey as they engage with you from start to finish reveals every part of their relationship with you, your product and your people. It will identify gaps that may be holding you back from achieving certain goals, such as barriers with current customers that are preventing you from surpassing sales projections. How are customers getting their information? More importantly, how does that information make them feel?

We believe so strongly in the importance of developing an engaging customer experience strategy that we take companies by the hand and lead them through the process step by step. We start by reviewing their brand – their purpose and their promise. And then we examine the experiences of all connected points: employees, users, customers and the brand itself.

In the end, our clients have a much better understanding of who they are, where they’ve been  and where they’re going. The journey is what gets them there.

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