Five Waters Project

| Red Dot | Branding | Creative Services
West Des Moines Parks & Recreation department is dreaming big. But even better than that—they’re doing something about it.
It’s called the Five Waters Project. It includes a new amphitheater at city campus, a marathon loop trail, an artistic pedestrian bridgeover Raccoon River, tiny houses for rent, a state-of-the-art boathouse at Raccoon River Park and more. They asked Red Dot to help increase awareness of the initiative so they could start raising funds. We were ready for the adventure.
Knowing that we were taking something already great (West Des Moines City parks) and making them even better, we developed the theme—making everyday wonderful. Then, we connected with the audience by challenging them to add more life to your life.
The campaign uses simple graphic icons and a bright color palette for a light-hearted, playful, motivating feel. Now, we can’t wait toget out there. Are you with us?